Thursday, June 25, 2009

That's Dr. Falstaff to you

5 years

= STATA + JSTOR + rewrites + conference presentations + the annual caffeine output of a medium-sized Colombian plantation

= 49,000 words + 300 references + 24 tables

= 15 slides + 1 hour defense

= 1 dissertation, signed and delivered.

And it's barely lunchtime.


km said...


So is it Dr. Falstaff, Foot(note) doctor?

Falstaff said...

km: Thanks. Actually, the finished dissertation does have 37 footnotes.

Szerelem said...


Have a good lunch - but what after that?

Tabula Rasa said...

congchulesun, yabetcher oh yaaa ;-)

csm said...

well done indeed.
what's up doc?

rads said...

Congratulations! Must be a huge relief :-)

Purely Narcotic said...


Space Bar said...


(and have a cigar).

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Now only to turn it into a best-selling novel, complete with suicidal regressions and despairing tables.


ps: i hope it was all in verse.

??! said...

Does this mean you're now free to vent more thoroughly? Or that all the Falsieness has drained away with the completion of this feat?

Congratulations indeed.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations ! And in the same year you publish a book !

Unknown said...


Please to get back to some proper rants now.

Pareshaan said...


m. said...

congratulations doc!

Space Bar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chronicus Skepticus said...

Well, hello Doctor! :)

Good on ya, Falsie. And now we want the rants back.

Sue said...

congratulations. :)

Supremus said...

Congratulations; now if only can I lay may hands on your book in US? Where do u get it here?

Cheshire Cat said...

Reality needs doctoring - now you can help.

Sainath Ramanathan said...


Congratulations. Trust you are well. Gimme a shout next time in bby... been a while since we caught up.


brinda said...

Congratulations, Doc!

hopscotch said...

Some days,one lives a lifetime before lunchtime...

And also congrats on fourth anniversary of the blog... you might associate it with a depressing thought...but we have loved reading it up!

kitabet said...


dipali said...


Unknown said...

Congratulations, Doc.

Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

As we often say in this, southern, part of the country, you now have the highest degree attainable to mankind. :-)
Do remember to put in a $10 note in the library copy.