Thursday, May 28, 2009

Heartbreak - 1

The first time is easy. You gamble, you take the hit. You pretend that the pain is making you stronger. You wonder what you did wrong, though you secretly know the answer. You do not want to believe in inevitability. It all seems very romantic, a kind of validation, the comfort of knowing that what you lost was real. You tell yourself despair is a grown-up emotion. And you can't help feeling a little proud.


Anonymous said...

yes. proud. a story within a story. getting over someone u love. almost like trying to remember someone u never met...

Confused n Baffled said...

strangely fitting. because i can tell you why ...

hopscotch said... true...

so many... said...


Sarat said...

That was so precisely expressed.... so true. It's a delight reading this blog!

MLop said...

This keeps coming back to me...! How did u get so wise?