Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wilbur Force

The New York Times informs me that Richard Wilbur just won the $ 100,000 Ruth Lilly poetry prize.

The article then goes on to quote Christian Wiman, editor of Poetry, as saying:

"If you had to put all your money on one living poet whose work will be read in a hundred years, Richard Wilbur would be a good bet."

Oh, come on. I mean, look, I like Wilbur and I'm happy he's won, etc. but the one living poet who'll survive? Wilbur? Really?

I'd go on about this but a) it's two thirty in the morning and b) I realised I've already blogged about this greatest living poet thing. Here. And about Wilbur. Here.

Sigh. I'm becoming one of those people who don't have conversations any more - they just point you to their blog and tell you to read their views.

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ozymandiaz said...

Everyone who has read my poetry knows that mine shall be the name echoed long in the halls of poetic fame. I can here the voices of the future now...
"Did you read his words, his ideas, can you comprehend his form? Can you believe what that (explicative deleted) did to this wonderful art form. He destroyed poetry, killed it dead and drove the nails in the casket!"
I will, though, be remembered. And after all, isn't that what we're all after; immortality?
What’s your take on Claudia Emerson (2006 winner of the Pulitzer prize for poetry), have you read any of her work? I have read very little of it but from what I read I surmise that I shall never win a Pulitzer (as if that weren’t a given).

Falstaff said...

Oz: on Emerson - I have to be honest and say that day before yesterday was the first time I heard of her. Read Late Wife, though. Was impressed, but not really moved. She's very good, but after a point I found her a little predictable. Personally I would pick the Dean Young.

Falstaff said...

boomsa: hmmm...I don't know about that. McGough's nice, but my money is staying firmly on Walcott. (P.S. welcome. don't remember seeing you on the blog before)

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