Do you ever get the feeling that living your life is like making a movie?
And I don't mean just in the oh-my-god-my-life-is-straight-out-of-a-Woody-Allen-script kind of way. I mean that so much of what we call living feels like mere set-up, doesn't it? All this hectic activity, all this busy preparation - props, casting, costumes, dialog, endless planning, repeated rehearsals - all leading up to that one breathless moment when the lights go up and the noise shuts down and you finally feel like you're really, truly alive.
A moment that, if you're lucky, will be good enough to keep.
And do you ever get the feeling that if the moment ever arrives you're certain to muff your lines or trip over the cables or stand where you don't quite catch the light right or the boom's in frame or the focus puller feel asleep on her job?
Donno abt rehearsing for the ending, but with hind-sight (and correlation bias, so many things appear to be line up so neatly to achieve a surprise result. Like contrived, "unrealistic" movie endings.
Not a Terry Gilliam movie, I hope.
SB: Yes. Or I would if I knew enough about making movies to think about focus pullers.
dufusmaximus: I don't know. My life seems more like one of those 'art' movies where nothing happens.
km: Nah. My life could never be anything but a Woody Allen movie. I may be the only person whose first reaction to Annie Hall was to think 'wow! such realism'.
Do you ever get the feeling that living your life is like making a movie?- Yes I do, sometimes. It's really funny that sometimes, I dream of being an actress where eveybody can see me. Well, if you ask me, my life is not really as exciting, but it's meaningful. :P Watch FULL movies in HD quality @
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