Saturday, February 28, 2009

Believing is not seeing

The problem with faith is that it makes a lack of self-doubt a virtue. Certainty is cruel because it is blind.

Hesitation makes us vulnerable, yes, but being vulnerable is not the same as being weak.


Anonymous said...

agree 100%!

Unknown said...

I admire your conciseness

Unknown said...

My own view on self-doubt and certainty have wavered. Certainty on an issue often seems sort of silly to me.

But to be fair, I have the following argument in favour of certainty and lack of self-doubt. Self-doubt and indecision of an individual can cripple the web of decisions in the society. And therefore lack of self-doubt is a virtue. One might ask the purpose of it all, but that is a different question.

L said...

It is the lack of self doubt/ questioning that is the root cause of all bigotry...religious bigotry, "honour killing" of daughters and such heinous sins. I agree with falstaff

Unknown said...

You must have a depressing life. To not have hope of better things is certainly depressing.