Sunday, August 16, 2009

Loneliness is underrated

I've probably said this before, but there's really nothing like watching a movie when you're the ONLY ONE in the entire theater. It's like having a living room with a 20-foot high screen and impeccable surround sound. Plus, someone else makes the popcorn. What more could one ask for?

P.S. The movie, if you must know, was (500) Days of Summer, and is the source of the title of this post.


Unknown said...

I cannot agree more! I saw Memoirs of Giesha.. All alone. Well there were chips and salsa, but you get the picture. It was like a sabbatical.

Anonymous said...

This might be unrelated. But when you mentioned something as being underrated, I was trying to think of something I feel as overrated and the first thing that came to my mind is success.

Soin said...

well seeing indian movies alone can real bad experience..

ReadnRyte said...

How was the movie though?

Falstaff said...

Readnryte: I enjoyed it. It could have been a better movie if they'd cut back on / cut out the voice overs and done away with the last five minutes, but any movie that sends you home with a yen for Joni Mitchell songs is worth watching.