Saturday, October 04, 2008

Tell the Bees

New issue of Poetry, featuring this poem by Sarah Lindsay.

Probably best read in the context of this.

The issue also includes William Logan on criticism and some correspondence between Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell (only available to subscribers, I'm afraid), which is less exciting than it sounds, but still delightful, if only for such nuggets as:

"New York is awful I think. After racking my brains I just this minute decided it is like a battered-up old alarm clock that insists on gaining five or six hours a day & has to be kept lying on its side, but maybe I can do better than that"

- Elizabeth Bishop

not to mention some tantalizing chatter about 'Marianne' (Moore). There's something strangely (and perhaps perversely) comforting about discovering that even the finest of poets aren't all that profound in their correspondence with each other. Also, well, getting to read a spontaneous, unedited thought by Bishop is a bit like coming upon Artemis bathing isn't it? One checks one's head for horns and hopes there are no dogs nearby.


Space Bar said...

So this is where you can thumb your nose at those of us who don't subscribe, no?

Space Bar said...

And kindly report all gossip about MArianne.

Falstaff said...

SB: Ya, well, there have to be some benefits to subscribing, no? And no real gossip - just some talk about a reading that was apparently interrupted by a fire alarm and where at some point Ms. Moore changed her stockings; also a second 'story' that EB promises to tell RL the next time they meet (see what I mean about tantalizing?).