So it seems that two pieces of random doggerel I wrote for the Caferati sms poetry contest won 1st and 2nd prize. You can go read them here.
And while you're in the area, you might as well go read the short piece of mine that made it to the finals of the Flash Fiction thing. It's not a particularly great piece, but well, if you can't get a post out of this stuff then what's the point of writing it?
Unmana, I thought so too (that one had to be present in Mumbai). That was a good excuse for me not to even attempt anything ;) Was that not true then? you just had to be there if you were participating in the poetry slam, or if you wanted to showcase your work in the open mic or open screen.
Good stuff!
spacebar: Okay..that was a good excuse (for my laziness) while it lasted ;) Maybe next year. Though I suspect I am too verbose for flash anything anyway.
I just went over to the caferati page - you seem to have received some lovely entries :)
congrats Falsie...But IMHO, the stuff you write here is way way better than the ones you submitted in the contest...Nevertheless, congratulations for the prize. take care.
Those were two *fine* SMS verses. (The "poems" that followed yours were.. er..somewhat questionable.)
So no, you aren't ready for that new middle name yet.
mediocrity is YOUR middle name?
i was just chatting with this blogger and we were both going "damn that falstaff." we questioned what your purpose in life was. and realized that it was basically to make the mediocre feel even more pathetic about their average levels of wit and intelligence. damn you, falstaff.
and to substantiate that claim, i must admit that i was too chicken shit to even SUBMIT an entry for that contest.
unmana / lekhi: Well, now you know.
purplesque: Thanks
anon: Oh, agree entirely. Writing to a pre-specified topic and at a pre-specified length is not my thing.
km: Thanks. And you felt that way about the others to did you? Though I have to say I thought the choices for flash fiction were even more inexplicable. Why, they even overlooked my (naturally brilliant) contribution!
scout: Hear that little woosh? It's the sound of all this praise going to my head.
And being chicken shit is no excuse for not submitting to the contest. On the contrary - if you saw the other four pieces I sent in you'd realize that chicken shit is precisely what's called for.
Wait a minute, I'm confused-- I thought Mediocrity was your last name...?
they call me mediocrity. mediocrity is my name. there's a film in there somewhere...
Space-- or a poem. Yikes!
Congratulations. And i actually did like that Flash fiction piece of yours.
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