So imagine my shock when I logged on to check mail this morning and found that her wonderful face had been replaced by a bunch of random pictures of people having fun on a beach. Why? Why did it have to end this way? No word, no mail, just this awful absence staring back at me from the homepage, the laughing pictures on the screen serving only to mock me. Did I do something wrong? Did she, perhaps, find out how much time I'd been spending with G? I'm devastated. I can't think straight. I type in the old log-in and password and my mail opens, but the words have lost their magic now and my inbox seems empty, so empty. How can I find her? Where shall I look for her? I have nothing - no name, no phone number, just the indelible memory of that charming smile beaming out at me. Is this how Love ends - not with a bang, but a whimper? What was it Janis Joplin sang: "I'd give all my tomorrows / for one single yesterday" - but it's impossible now, it's too late.
YahooMail woman - please come back. Please don't leave me this way. I know I should have appreciated you more when I had you. I know I should have spent more time paying attention to you, instead of always brushing past you so rudely, in a hurry to get to my mail. Forgive me, you must. Think of all those hours we've stayed up together, waiting for someone to e-mail us. You must come back. Or if you can't just tell me where you are and I'll follow you to the ends of the earth (or well, to the furthest Starbucks - which is the same thing really). My obssessive mail checking just isn't the same without you. [breaks down and sobs]
heh. know who you are talking about. i'm in shock, myself,
What? You too?
Wait, are you saying she was being unfaithful to me?
No! No! It's too horrible! I cannot believe it. I will not believe it. You lie! You're a damned liar!
And yet, now that I come to think of it- there was that time at the Internet Cafe...oh! I don't know what to believe anymore. If only she would come back. If only.
Sounds to me as though you have both been played by the same crumpet...
she's back, you noticed?
Oz: You mean strumpet, surely.
HWSNBF: Where? where? I'm still getting some random photos? Maybe she decided to come back to you. [sob!]
I did just find her in one of those random pictures... with a hat and a lovely pink top. So dont lose hope... she will come back :-)
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